Metabolism and Adverse Conditions

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 1     2          3          
5     6       7              
10                11        


1. Temporary arrest of growth and development. (8)
4. Type of behaviour gained by experience. (7)
6. Technique involving satellites following an animal's route. (8)
10. Process of scratching the outer surface of a seed. (13)
11. Reduction in metabolism which occurs within every 24 hour cycle. (6)
12. Another name for ringing. (7)
14. Organism capable of living in extreme conditions. (12)
15. Form of dormancy used to survive periods of extreme heat or drought. (11)
16. Microbes capable of producing methane. (11)
17. Day length. (11)
18. Organism which thrives in high temperatures. (11)


2. Regular movement of a species from one place to another to a favourable environment. (9)
3. Where seeds are stored to protect potentially valuable species. (4,4)
5. Type of dormancy brought about after the arrival of the adverse conditions. (13)
7. Type of behaviour which is inherited and inflexible. (6)
8. Characteristics allowing animals to survive better. (11)
9. Type of dormancy which occurs before the onset of adverse conditions. (10)
13. Type of dormancy which allows some animals to survive winter. (11)